Garden Party
Feb 11, 2016

Filthy Rebena is excited to announce that we just started carrying Air Plants & Succulents from local London seller, Garden Party! The plants we offer are easy-to-grow, rewarding houseplants and are the perfect gift for everyone!

Air plants are plants that require no soil. They attach themselves to other plants and gather nutrients and water from the air. These plants are very easy to care for and just need a good spray down every couple of weeks. The simple terrariums add that little bit of life to the dullest of rooms and require little in return.

We are also carrying zebra haworthia in vintage mugs. Zebra haworthia is a stunning clustering succulent plant that has deep green pointed leaves. It is popular as a house plant, due to its resistance to drought and general hardiness. These plants will warm up a bright window-sill and are known to flower indoors.

Houseplants are commonly grown for decorative purposes, positive psychological effects, keeping fresh or health reasons such as indoor air purification. So come on down to Filthy Rebena (177 Dundas Street) to get your fix of plants!
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