Olympic USA Sweaters
Feb 08, 2014
On February 7, 2014 team USA debuted their new sweaters at the olympic opening ceremony in Sochi, Russia. To put it lightly, the USA sweater design has caused quite a hype. Criticisms Rebena has been hearing are things like:
“It looks like freedom barfed all over the USA team.”
“Sweaters look like a slap at Putin’s gay policies.”
“Why does Ralph Lauren hate America?”
“It’s like a knitted representation of a Toby Keith song.”
Rebena understands the hoopla. Yes, the sweaters are loud. Yes, they are patriotic. For petes sake, yes, they do look like Ralph Lauren’s grandmother knit all the Team USA sweaters herself.
Now, before you spread any more social-media hoopla, take some time to get to know the origin of the sweater. It’s 100% American soil. The yarn comes from a 1860s-era farmstead in East Jordan, Michigan. How amazing is that? 100 percent domestic wool from a small farm in Michigan. Think about that. For the wool workers, this sweater has created more jobs and is building a better economy for the state that needs it most, Michigan. On a side note, more than 40 local vendors from small-town America helped Ralph Lauren produce its entire olympic wardrobe attire.
In regards to the design of the sweater, Rebena keeps thinking about how stunning it is. It’s an authentic an American treasure. Rebena is loving the granny patchwork vibe. Don’t like patchwork? Well, may all of the haute players would wag their pretty little fingers at you. (Dior Homme – Helmut Lang – House of Holland – Jonathan Simkhai) Rebena thinks the sweater collage represents the American athletes well, as they each have their own unique story to tell.
If you’re still not on board with the sweater, you might want to chew on this. For the first time in American olympic history, 100 percent of the purchase price of the Limited Edition Team USA Opening Ceremony Cardigan will be donated to the U.S. Olympic Committee, an organization supporting the United States of America’s best and brightest.
We think Oregon rancher Jeanne Carver sums it up best: “It’s a parade uniform for our very best athletes on a world stage. They look sensational. They are making all of us proud. There is power in the whole effort.”
Now for the German uniforms.. Did a unicorn fart all over the team before they marched in?
Have a great day folks.
- america, athletes, cardigan, Carver, Ceremony, Criticism, defence, dior, Filthy Rebena, freedom, Gay, Grandma, Helmut Lang, Homme, hoopla, House of Holland, Jeanne, knit, Lauren, Limited Edition, loud, olympic, opening, Oregon, patchwork, patriotic, Policy, Putin, Ralph, Rancher, russia, Sochi, Song, sweater, Team, thrift, Toby Keith, toronto, Treasure, Uncategorized, uniform, USA, Vintage
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