Skinny Dippin’
Aug 12, 2014
As August winds down be sure to give summer one last kiss goodbye with a skinny dipping romp. There’s something kinda spiritual about skinny dipping. It’s a rare, summertime transgression against everyday mores that is too small to cause anyone any real harm and yet big enough to remind you that you’re alive.
Double-dared to skinny dip and extremely shy? I cannot offer any better advice than to suck it up, strip down, and surrender to the spontaneity of the experience. The amazing feeling of freedom you will get far exceeds the risk.
In Ontario, right now is just about the perfect time for a skinny dipping adventure. The water temperature is perfect. You can swim out past the waves, lie back like a starfish, and just float in that top current of water. There’s really nothing like it.
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