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Filthy Rebena's Blog

Learn about vintage fashion and stay updated with Filthy news and events.

2 Euro T-Shirt

A vending machine placed in a busy Berlin square offered interested pedestrians shirts for two euro – about $2.19 CAD – but the apparel came with a shocking backstory. On April 24, 2013, Dhaka, Bangladesh was forever changed when more than 3,000 people were killed or injured in the Rana Plaza factory complex collapse. To […] Read More

Cheap Clothes – High Cost

Cambodia’s aggressive anti-trafficking campaign is designed to rescue and rehabilitate sex workers. But many women say authorities there are actually forcing them into a trade where conditions and pay are even worse: making clothing for Western brands.  VICE News traveled to Phnom Penh to speak with former and current sex workers, officials and labor organizers […] Read More
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