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Etsy Schoolin’

EtsySchool_Logo_Reversed_570x400Despite the meows and purrs of Rebena’s fat cats, sometimes working alone at home can give her the feeling of being isolated.  That’s why she decided to join the Etsy School for the month of February.  Rebena is seeking a local shop owner who can give her suggestions, critiques, share experiences, work to improve each others shops and have a little bit of fun.

Below is the quick downlow on the schoolin’ and how it works.  Starting February 1st, the program is divided into four weeks.

  • First week : Meet your partner, do a shop critique and set goals
  • Second week – Photography focus
  • Third week – Getting Found : SEO, tags, titles
  • Fourth week – Promotion and Marketing with focus on social media

Each student will receive a workbook with suggested activities, resources and exercises to do with her partner for each week of the month.  If anyone in the GTA is looking for an Etsy partner who wants to participate in some Etsy schoolin’ – please feel more than free to send Rebena a shout through InstagramTumblrTwitterEtsy or Facebook.
Toronto Etsy
Ohhhh…  Back to school, back to school – to prove to Dad that i’m not a fool.  I’ve got my lunch packed up, my boots tied tight, I hope I don’t get into a fight…”  

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