Apr 23, 2015
On April 24th, 2015, people from over 60 countries around the world will come together to celebrate the second annual Fashion Revolution Day. The movement marks the anniversary of the Rana Plaza tragedy in Dhaka, Bangladesh.
In Toronto local schools will be encouraging students to wear their clothes inside out in order to build awareness about the supply chain and ask questions about where their clothes come from.
In addition, Toronto University’s have done their part by hosting Sew-Ins at Seneca, George Brown, Ryerson and OCAD. At these Sew-Ins, individuals are encouraged to write meaningful words, questions and phrases in support of ethical fashion. The chain of fabric is both symbolic for the supply chain and acts as a petition encouraging transparency in the fashion industry.
For the Canadian press release, click here: FRD15 Press Release

If you can’t join the Sew-In, then please wear your clothes inside out on April 24th and ask your favourite clothing brands, “who made my clothes?” over social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) using the hashtag #FashRev.
For more information about Fashion Revolution, please visit:

- #FASHREV, #WhoMadeMyClothes, Activism, Bangladesh, be aware, clothes, Clothing, Dhaka, Fashion, Fashion Fast, Fashion Foward, Fashion Revolution Day, Fast Fashion, george brown, inside out, label, Movement, OCAD, Rana Plaza, Rana Plaza tragedy, ryerson, seneca, sew-in, supply chain, Sustainability, thinking, toronto, University’s, who made my clothes
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