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Filthy Rebena's Blog

Learn about vintage fashion and stay updated with Filthy news and events.

The True Cost

I have considered myself a relatively well-informed person, but there was a lot of information in “The True Cost” that surprised me. The documentary travels around the world to show the impact of the fashion industry on both human rights and the environment. It’s shocking and horrifying – far worse than you ever dreamed. In […] Read More

2 Euro T-Shirt

A vending machine placed in a busy Berlin square offered interested pedestrians shirts for two euro – about $2.19 CAD – but the apparel came with a shocking backstory. On April 24, 2013, Dhaka, Bangladesh was forever changed when more than 3,000 people were killed or injured in the Rana Plaza factory complex collapse. To […] Read More

Outrageously Cheap

The comedian John Oliver delivered a well-researched and expertly-executed tirade about the dangerous—and morally questionable—implications of outrageously cheap clothing on his HBO show Last Week Tonight: “One of the biggest problems with holding many brands accountable, is that deniability seems to have been stitched into the supply chain,” says Oliver, referring to the chronic issue […] Read More


On April 24th, 2015, people from over 60 countries around the world will come together to celebrate the second annual Fashion Revolution Day. The movement marks the anniversary of the Rana Plaza tragedy in Dhaka, Bangladesh. In Toronto local schools will be encouraging students to wear their clothes inside out in order to build awareness […] Read More
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