Seinfeld Costume Ball
Jan 26, 2015
Seinfeld’s phenomenon about nothing defines a generation obsessed with pop nostalgia and the kind of can’t-catch-me irony that ensnares the New York Times into hailing the rise of two or three fashion movements per year that don’t actually exist. Toronto, what are you wearing to the normcore ball?
While venues like KITCH and The Beaver host Seinfeld trivia nights in the city, on February 8th Double Double Land will hold “the Seinfeld costume-and-trivia party to end all Seinfeld costume-and-trivia parties,” Scenefeld: The Celebration. If your trivia game is rough and you’re low on frumpy 90s outfits, get serious about your Elaine dance and you can still be in the running for a prize.
February’s weirdest party will see an elimination style “Scene It: Seinfeld” trivia tournament, Seinfeld music, food, and hidden art installations, plus bonuses like a screening of LJ Frezza’s Nothing, and live slap bass. The costume and Elaine dancing contests will be decided by applause, then at the end of the night three audience selected episodes will screen.
To sign up for the tournament or contests, check out the event page on Facebook.
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