Spring Sale
Mar 03, 2016
We are excited to announce our “Hello Spring, Goodbye Winter” Sale on Tuesday, March 15. We will be having half prices on Winter wear purchases! Get three quality items and your third will be 75% off!
We will also be showcasing our awesome new Spring selection in the front of the store!
The Spring buzz is making Filthy Rebena feeling stamp happy, so don’t forget to rack up your stamps on your FR loyalty club card to receive $50 off on us! Spring flowers and refreshments will be served alongside the sweet Tuesday deals. Hope to see you there!
Filthy Rebena Vintage
177 Dundas St., London, Ontario N7A 3X9
Tuesday, March 15, 2016
12:00 PM – 6:00 PM
The Etsy shop will be following suit on Tuesday, March 15. Feel free to use coupon code “HELLOSPRING” and receive 30% off your purchase on ANY item in the shop. Happy Shopping and Happy Spring! As Robin Williams once said, Spring is natures way of saying LETS PARTY!
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